What happens to the donations?

All donations collected from participants in the SingelSwim Utrecht will be used to support the study of Prof. Dr. Geijsen of the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht.  In this way the Foundation SingelSwim Utrecht, the FSHD Foundation and the Spieren voor Spieren Foundation can make optimal use of the collected funds to find an ultimate solution to FSHD muscle disease. The funds needed for the organization of the SingelSwim Utrecht come from sponsorships, participation fees and possibly received grants. Ideally, organising the SingelSwim Utrecht will cost approximately € 70 000, -  We are working to collect this amount from the market as fully as possible. Here we can use all the support.

ANBI: donate with tax benefit

The Tax Administration considers SingelSwim Utrecht as a General Benefit Institution (ANBI). Donating money to SingelSwim Utrecht therefore has tax advantages for donors.